Document Your Impact

Collect Data

Community Impact Toolkit

Designed for all types of humanities organizations, this toolkit helps you document the impact of a wide range of humanities projects.

View the toolkit

Higher Education Impact Toolkit

Dig into our toolkit focused on documenting the impact of public humanities programs and other higher ed-based humanities programs.

View the toolkit

Sample Surveys

View sample surveys designed to help you document the public impact of your programs.

Download the surveys

Engage the Press


Engaging with the press can help raise the visibility of humanities work on campuses, in local communities, and nationwide. We’ve developed resources to help with media outreach. And if you are campus based, check out our tip sheet for working with your communications office to bring a higher profile to your work.

Engage with Policymakers

We offer a variety of resources for engaging policymakers with your data and stories. Explore our federal advocacy page for more information for tips for engaging on Capitol Hill and in district.

Jump to federal advocacy

We offer tailored consultations.

Learn more about our tailored consultations on documenting impact.

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