Showcase Community Impact

Explore Our Case Studies

Our community case studies document the comprehensive impact of the humanities in diverse U.S. communities and illuminate how the humanities enrich community life.

Read the Case Studies

Discover the NEH’s Local Impact

Through our NEH for All initiative, we have documented the many ways that humanities organizations impact communities throughout the country.

NEH for All

Making Space for Community Conversation in Oregon

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NEH for All

Preserving the History of Alaska's Canning Industry

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NEH for All

Recovering the Legacy of Kansas Places and People

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NEH for All

Supporting a Rural Museum Through COVID-19

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NEH for All

Exploring the Past and Present With Children

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Document Your Impact

We have resources to help you better understand your organization’s social impact and convey that impact to funders, policymakers, and the broader public.

Documenting the Community Impact of Your Humanities Program


Advocate for Funding

State and Local Advocacy

Explore policies that can help increase funding for community-based humanities organizations.

Policy clearinghouse

Federal Advocacy

We have a wide variety of resources to support you in engaging Members of Congress on Capitol Hill and in your district.

Visit our Federal Funding advocacy page

We offer tailored consultations.

Learn more about tailored consultation on impact research.

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