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Membership Benefits

As a member of the National Humanities Alliance, you will support crucial advocacy for the humanities on campus, in communities, and on Capitol Hill. Our team documents the impact of humanities organizations and educators and builds on this research to create resources that support humanities advocacy. We provide our members with the support they need to draw on these resources and advocate effectively for the humanities.

Member Communications

We send a monthly Memo to Members with legislative updates, invitations to events, and links to our resources. These communications are designed to keep our members up to date on humanities advocacy opportunities and to allow them to share those opportunities with their networks.

Member Consultations

Through our tailored consultations, we support our members in promoting the humanities on campuses and in communities. We identify strategies that fit individual contexts, goals, and constraints and share relevant models. Short consultations are included as a benefit of NHA membership, while longer and more involved consultations are offered at a discounted rate for members.

Virtual and Conference Presentations

We offer virtual presentations and in-person presentations in D.C. as a benefit of membership. These presentations can provide broad introductions to subjects such as strategies for recruiting students to humanities study, career pathways for humanities students, advocating for the humanities on Capitol Hill, and models for communicating effectively about the humanities. Standard virtual presentations are included in membership, while more tailored presentations are offered at a discounted rate for members.

Discounted Participation in All Events

We offer our members discounted registrations at our two yearly conferences (the NHA Annual Meeting and Humanities Advocacy Day and the National Humanities Conference). We also offer discounted rates for all professional development courses.

Tailored Advocacy Content for Websites and Publications

We work with our members to develop content for websites and publications to help engage their constituencies in federal and campus-based advocacy.

Notification of NEH Grants

With every new round of NEH grants, we create a tailored list of grants for each member organization and offer tips for publicizing those grants.

Custom Action Alerts

NHA regularly issues action alerts that allow advocates to write to their Members of Congress to urge increased funding for the humanities with a few clicks. When there’s a policy issue of particular importance to a member organization, we work closely with them to create a custom action alert to share with their members.

Discounted Rate on All Services

Beyond the consultations and presentations that are included in membership, we offer all other services at a discounted rate for members. Learn more on our services page.

Annual Membership Dues

Our members’ dues allow us to cultivate support for federal funding for the humanities, promote the value of studying the humanities, and make the case for the public value of the humanities.


Dues for colleges, universities, museums, and other institutions that do not have individual members are determined by the category of institution as follows:

Research Universities $3,100
Colleges and Master’s Universities $1,250
Museums, Archives, & Cultural Organizations  $1,150


Membership Organizations

Dues for membership organizations, such as scholarly societies or associations of higher education institutions, start at $1,000 and are calculated by taking .3% of (Line 18 (Total Expenses) from the IRS Form 990 minus Line 13 (Grants Given)). In calculating dues, consideration is given to organizations where members are not all humanists.

Join Today

To join please complete the short membership form. Contact Kassandra Wahlstrom Ford at or 240.349.6616 if you have questions about membership.