
Top: Photo by Morrison Photography

We have resources to help you advocate:
Image courtesy of Michael Marsland/Yale University
Photo by Kristen LaFollette
Image designed by Visual Dialogue
Image designed by Visual Dialogue
Image courtesy of the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts
Image courtesy of Beslot Wondimu

Carousel Slider:
Image designed by Christina Muller
Image courtesy of the Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government
Image courtesy of Younger Oliver
Image courtesy of Heritage Sites at Arkansas State University

Become a Member: Photo by Morrison Photography

Year in Review: Photo by Lauren Hartmann


Top: Photo by Morrison Photography

What We Do:
Photo by Lauren Hartmann
Photo by Morrison Photography
Photo by Kevin Chun
Photo by Morrison Photography

Who We Are:
Photo by Lauren Hartmann
Photo by Kwana Strong Photography
Photo by Morrison Photography


Photo of Bea Gurwitz by Jessica Torch
Photo of Younger Oliver by Samii Stoloff Photography


Photo by Morrison Photography


Top: Photo by Morrison Photography


Top: Image courtesy of The Mastheads

Undergraduate Humanities Recruitment: Image courtesy of Michael Marsland/Yale University

Public Humanities in Higher Ed: Image courtesy of Baltimore Traces

Local Impact of the Humanities: Image courtesy of the Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government

Research Partnership: Photo by Morrison Photography

Research Partnerships:

Top: Photo by Morrison Photography

Tailored Consultations:

Top, Consultations, Tailored Presentations and Workshops & Impact Research Design and Execution: Photos by Morrison Photography

Presentations on the State of the Field: Photo by Michelle May-Curry


Photo by Kwana Strong Photography


Top: Photo by Morrison Photography

Annual Meeting: Photo by Morrison Photography

NHC: Photo by Kevin Chun

Additional Events: Photo by Lauren Hartmann

Past Events:

Top: Photo by Morrison Photography

NHA Annual Meeting:
2024, 2023, 2020 & 2019: Morrison Photography
2022 & 2021: Image designed by Christina Muller
2018: Photo by Kwana Strong Photography

2023: Image designed by Tom Streit
2022: Photo by Lauren Hartmann
2021 & 2020: Image designed by Christina Muller
2019: Photo by Kevin Chun
2018: Photo by George Long

2025 NHA Annual Meeting:

Top & Annual Meeting: Photo by Morrison Photography

Welcome Reception: Photo by Lauren Hartmann

Humanities Advocacy Day: Photo by Kwana Strong

2024 National Humanities Conference:

Van Leesten Memorial Bridge, Providence, RI – INFORM Studio + Buro Happold (Photo by Steve Kroodsma)

2024 NHA Annual Meeting:

Top: Photo by Morrison Photography

2023 National Humanities Conference:

Image designed by Tom Streit

Combat Educational Gag Orders:

Top: Image courtesy of Michael Marsland/Yale University


Top: Photo by Morrison Photography

Higher Ed resources:

Top: Image courtesy of Rebecca Amato

Harness Data: Photo by Morrison Photography

Share Student Success Stories: Image designed by Christina Muller

Showcase value Beyond Campus (Carousel Slider):
Image Courtesy of Enoch Pratt Free Library
Cover Image from Big Shoulder Books
Image Courtesy of Clio
Image from *Sour Puss* photo series by artist Kate Alexandrite
Image Courtesy of the Southwest Virginia LGBTQ+ History Project
Image Courtesy of Anita Foeman

Document Impact: Image designed by Christina Muller

Federal funding:

Top: Photo by Kwana Strong Photography

About Federal Funding: Photo by Morrison Photography

Advocate for Funding:
Photo by Kwana Strong Photography
Photo by Morrison Photography
Photo by Chelsi Dennis Photography

Explore Advocacy Resources (Carousel Slider):
Image courtesy of the Delta Center for Culture and Learning at Delta State University
Image courtesy of The Mastheads
Image courtesy of FAIC
Image Courtesy of the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
Image courtesy of the Library of Congress

Congressional Library: Photo by Morrison Photography

Congressional Library:

Top: Wikimedia Commons

Humanities Advocacy Day:

Top: Photo by Morrison Photography

Resource Tiles:
Member Profiles, Mock Meeting Scripts, & Policy Priorities Booklet: Photos by Morrison Photography
Capitol Hill Advocacy Guide: Graphic by Christina Muller

Following Up After the Meeting: All Photos by Morrison Photography

Community Impact:

Top: Photo by Tom Nycz

Explore Our Case Studies: Image by Evan Kory

Discover the NEH’s Local Impact (Carousel Slider):
Image Courtesy of Oregon Humanities
Image by Mike Rann. Courtesy of the NN Cannery History Project
Image courtesy of the Chapman Center for Rural Studies
Image courtesy of the Monhegan Museum
Image courtesy of the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

Document Your Impact: Image courtesy of the Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government

Advocate for Funding:
Photo by Kwana Strong Photography
Photo by Morrison Photography

Public Scholarship:

Top: Image courtesy of the Parr Center for Ethics

Explore Model Projects (Carousel Slider):
Image Courtesy of Enoch Pratt Free Library
Cover Image from Big Shoulder Books
Image Courtesy of Clio
Image from *Sour Puss* photo series by artist Kate Alexandrite
Image Courtesy of the Southwest Virginia LGBTQ+ History Project
Image Courtesy of Anita Foeman

Build Programs on Campus: Image designed by Christina Muller

Learn About the Landscape:
Image courtesy of Rebecca Amato
Image courtesy of the Humanities Action Lab
Photo by Kristen LaFollette

Document Your Impact: Image designed by Christina Muller

Document your Impact:

Top: Photo by Kevin Chun

Collect Data:
Image courtesy of the Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government
Image designed by Christina Muller
Image courtesy of Heritage Sites at Arkansas State University

Engage with Policymakers:
Photo by Morrison Photography

Become a Member:

Photos by Morrison Photography