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A Look Back at Our Summer Webinars on Undergraduate Recruitment Strategies

Posted on August 13, 2021

By Scott Muir This summer we delved into recruitment strategies featured in our new report, Strategies for Recruiting Students to the Humanities: A Comprehensive Resource,…

Celebrating 2,000 Projects on Humanities for All

Posted on August 2, 2021

By Michelle May-Curry This week over at Humanities for All we reached an exciting milestone - our database of publicly engaged humanities projects now holds over 2,000 entries!…

High Impact Grants to Inspire Your Next NEH Application

Posted on July 20, 2021

By Cecily Hill showcases high-impact projects funded by the full range of NEH grant lines. In addition to serving as a resource for advocates,…

Good news for the humanities in FY 22 emerging from the House

Posted on June 29, 2021

By Alexandra Klein Over the past week, the House appropriations subcommittees have begun releasing bills and passing them out of subcommittee. Yesterday, the House Interior…

On Community Partnership: An Interview with Kyera Singleton from the Royall House and Slave Quarters

Posted on June 21, 2021

By Michelle May-Curry In the 18th century, the Royall House and Slave Quarters was home to the largest enslavers in Massachusetts and the enslaved Black…

Media Inquiries

Contact Alexandra Klein at or 240.389.0619 if you have inquiries about media.