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Our Research

Undergraduate Humanities Recruitment

We research and have produced several reports on successful strategies for engaging students in the humanities. Our most recent report focuses on strategies that specifically engage historically-underrepresented student groups. This fall, we will be releasing a report on curricular initiatives that integrate learning across disparate fields and help students see the value of a broad based, liberal arts education.

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Public Humanities in Higher Ed

The Humanities for All initiative identifies examples of public humanities scholarship in higher ed, documents the impact of that work, and researches the infrastructure that supports it. This work has benefited from the generous support of the Mellon Foundation.

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Impact of NEH Funding

Our NEH for All initiative researches the impact of National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) funding across the U.S. On, you can access information about the NEH’s national impacts, the geographic reach of NEH programs and initiatives, and individual profiles that highlight how NEH funding affects local communities.


Local Impact of the Humanities

We are dedicated to understanding how the humanities enrich public life and equipping advocates with tools to make the case for more significant investment at the state and local levels. Our case studies shed light on the impact of humanities work in distinct U.S. communities, as well as the needs of under-resourced humanities organizations. Our research into state and local policies that support the humanities offers models for other communities.

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Research Partnerships

Building off our research, we offer consultation services to higher ed institutions, scholarly societies, community-based organizations, and foundation funders. Learn about our areas of expertise and the services we provide, several of which are free to members.

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