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Congressional Library

Dear Colleague Letters

Dear Colleague Letters are open letters authored by one or more members of Congress directed to the leadership of a Congressional Committee regarding an issue under its jurisdiction. These letters are opened for signature by any member of Congress. They are useful in helping committee leadership gauge the priorities of the broader membership and craft legislation that is likely to have majority support on the floor. Each year, Dear Colleague Letters are circulated advocating for robust appropriations for NEH, Title VI and Fulbright-Hays, and IMLS, among many other issues. Below are links to past Dear Colleague Letters:

Appropriations Committee Testimony

As a part of our advocacy efforts, NHA regularly provides testimony before Congress regarding humanities funding and policy issues. Below are links to past testimony:

Letters to Congress and the Administration

Individually, and in coalition with allied organizations, NHA routinely addresses letters to Congressional Committees and Executive-Branch Agencies and Departments to provide formal input on issues in humanities policy and appropriations outside of the testimony process. Below is a collection of the letters submitted since 2000:

Presidential Transition Briefs

At the beginning of each new Administration, NHA, in collaboration with our partners in the higher educational and cultural communities, produces Presidential Transition Briefs on a variety of pressing topics. These briefs provide incoming administrations with guidance on the policy landscape and the community’s views on critical issues. Below are links to past transition briefs:

Amicus Curiae

On occasion when an issue before the courts becomes critical to NHA’s advocacy efforts, NHA has filed Amicus Curiae briefs, informing the court of the potential impact of the case before them. Below are links to past Amicus Curiae: